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Organizational Background
Future Resilience and Development Foundation (FRAD) is a registered non-profit organization with CAC in accordance to the Nigerian law, FRAD has over the years been actively involved with frontline responses to emergencies caused by the recent crisis in Northeast Nigeria, we also respond to emerging development needs in Nigeria through holistic approach that proffer durable solutions using the triple nexus approach.
FRAD response focus on addressing the needs of women, girls, adolescents, youths and Persons living with disabilities via our various response in Health/Nutrition, Protection, WASH/Environment and Peace building, our responses provide support and enhance the protective factors of the most vulnerable populations affected by varying crisis which include humanitarian, development and economic crisis. Over the years, FRAD has demonstrated capacity in implementing a cross-sectoral response that meets the needs of the most vulnerable people and we are broadening our scope through the implementation of our 2024-2027 strategic plan.
Project Summary
Future Resilience and Development Foundation (FRAD) with funding from UN OCHA under the country base pool fund Nigeria Humanitarian fund (NHF) in partnership with Cedar Foundation for Disability and Center for Child Care and Human Development (C3HD) are implementing a 12-month Multi sectoral project aimed at enhancing the inclusion and protection of women, girls, and other persons living with disabilities in the humanitarian response framework in Borno and Yobe States. The project addresses prevalent challenges affecting Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), specifically women and girls, including the lack of data on their needs, protection and gender-based violence (GBV) issues, cultural norms hindering inclusion, and gaps in education, livelihoods, coordination, and the inadequate capacity of OPD-focused organizations to lead strategic advocacies for their inclusion in humanitarian responses. The project aims to empower PWDs, PWD focused organizations, and humanitarian partners to contribute meaningfully to the humanitarian response. The project activities systematically address the identified challenges, striving for meaningful protection and inclusion of children, women and girls with disabilities. Ultimately, the project will contribute to a more inclusive and protective environment, ultimately advancing the specific needs of PWDs in Borno and Yobe States.
Purpose of the Case Management Guideline
As part of the innovative approaches under the project, FRAD will be developing a case management guideline tailored to the specific needs of children living with disabilities. This guideline is meant to serve as an operational guide and also an annex to the SOP for case management task force of the CP AoR. The documents will be a unified and contextualized case
management guide for providing services to children living with disabilities, this is in a bid to ensure consistency and quality of service delivery.
Objectives of the Consultancy
The primary objective of this consultancy is for the consultant to work with the Child protection Area of responsibility with technical support from the disability working group and other disability right organizations to develop case management guidelines that provide a clear framework for assessing, planning, implementing, and monitoring case management for children with disabilities. The guidelines should address the unique needs and challenges faced by children with disabilities and aim to enhance their overall well-being and inclusion.
The Position Specific objectives include:
1. Conduct a comprehensive review of existing case management practices and guidelines for children with disabilities, both nationally and internationally.
2. Identify best practices and evidence-based approaches in case management for children with disabilities.
3. Consult with relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, disability rights advocates, and caregivers of children with disabilities across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States to gather insights and feedback.
4. Develop a set of comprehensive case management guidelines that are inclusive, rights-based, and culturally sensitive and tailored for children with disabilities
5. Conduct validation workshops with stakeholders before final dissemination of the guideline and incorporate all feedback gotten from the validation workshop
6. Organize and conduct dissemination workshop
7. Ensure the guidelines are practical, user-friendly, and adaptable to the Northeast contexts
8. Provide recommendations for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the guidelines to ensure effectiveness and accountability.
9. Closely work with the CP AoR and the leadership of the case management task force to complete the development of the guiding document.
Scope of Work
The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
1. Coordination with the CP AoR and the case management task force.
2. Review draft TOR of the entire process
3. Reviewing existing literature, research papers, case studies and other relevant documents on case management for children with disabilities.
4. Conducting interviews, focus group discussions, and consultations with key stakeholders to gather input and perspectives.
5. Drafting comprehensive case management guidelines based on the findings from the literature review and stakeholder consultations.
6. Incorporating feedback from relevant stakeholders and experts through iterative revisions of the guidelines.
7. Conduct a validation workshop before producing the final copy of the guideline
8. Developing accompanying materials such as training modules, tools, and resources to support the dissemination and implementation of the guidelines.
9. Presenting the final draft of the guidelines to FRAD for review and approval.
The consultant will deliver the following key outputs:
1. Submit finalized TOR of the guideline development
2. Inception Report outlining the proposed methodology, work plan, and timeline for the consultancy.
3. Literature Review Report summarizing existing case management practices and guidelines for children with disabilities.
4. Draft Case Management Guidelines for Children with Disabilities, including accompanying materials and resources.
5. Consultation reports for Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States
6. Validation workshop reports
7. Final Case Management Guidelines incorporating feedback and revisions.
8. Final consultancy report documenting the process, findings, and recommendations.
The consultancy is expected to be completed within a total of 30 days. Although this is subject to change and negotiations to ensure we get the best.
The consultant should possess the following qualifications and expertise:
1. Pertinent understanding of the CP AoR especially the northeast context.
2. Advanced degree (M.Sc, PhD) in social science, public health, human rights, disability studies, or related field.
3. Extensive experience in developing case management guidelines or similar resources for vulnerable populations, preferably children with disabilities.
4. Strong knowledge of international conventions and frameworks related to disability rights and child protection.
5. Proven experience in conducting literature reviews, qualitative research, and stakeholder consultations.
6. Excellent writing and communication skills, with the ability to present complex information in a clear and concise manner.
7. Demonstrated ability to work independently and collaboratively with diverse stakeholders.
8. Fluency in English, Hausa and other languages in the BAY states of Nigeria.
9. Understanding of the IASC guidelines for inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action.
The budget for this consultancy will be negotiated based on the consultant’s proposed methodology, work plan, and deliverables.

Application Process
Interested consultants are invited to submit the following documents:
1. Curriculum vitae highlighting relevant experience and qualifications.
2. Technical proposal outlining the proposed methodology, work plan, and timeline.
3. Financial proposal detailing the consultant’s fee and budget for the consultancy.
4. Samples of previous work demonstrating experience in developing guidelines or similar resources.
Applications should be submitted:
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Relevance of experience and qualifications to the scope of work.
2. Quality and feasibility of the proposed methodology and work plan.
3. Clarity and completeness of the financial proposal.
4. Demonstrated understanding of the needs and context of children with disabilities.
5. Samples of previous work demonstrating the consultant’s ability to deliver high-quality outputs.
6. Understanding of the child protection AoR coordination mechanism
Note: Future Resilience and Development Foundation reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the selection process at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected applicants.
FRAD Foundation is committed to diversity equity and inclusion, women and person living with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
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