
Tax & Housing webinar: Mortage interest and housing market developments

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When you want to buy a house in the Netherlands, it is important to stay informed about the development of mortgage interest rates and the housing supply in the area you are looking at. Mortgage expert Ilse van Rijn of A&H Finance and Purchase agent Tabitha Lemon of Aankoopmakelaar Amsterdam will discuss both topics in their upcoming webinar: Mortgage Interest and Housing Market Developments on Wednesday, April 24. Join this webinar online.


Mortgage interest

In recent months there have been increases and decreases in mortgage interest rates in the Netherlands. Although interest rates are still relatively low from a historical perspective, rates can change on a very short notice. In the webinar, mortgage expert Ilse van Rijn will update you on the trends in mortgage interest rates and regulations.

Financial advice

Mortgage expert Ilse and her colleagues can tell you what the best options are for your personal situation. Ilse will explain the impact of choices regarding the interest rates and the impact of this on your mortgage. Should you fix the mortgage interest rate for 10 or 20 years? Or should you choose a shorter period? What will be the impact of a change in the interest rate and what are the risks? Independent mortgage experts, like Ilse and her colleagues at A&H Finance, continuously monitor the interest rates of all lenders.


This webinar will inform you about the mortgage interest rates and the developments in the market.

dutch mortgage webinar 2024

Housing market developments

Mortgage interest is just one aspect of the buying process. The housing supply you’re searching in is, of course, another crucial factor. Purchase agent Tabitha Lemon from Aankoopmakelaar Amsterdam will share her valuable insights into this search.


A notable trend is overbidding, where buyers offer a bid above the asking price to improve their chances of securing the property. But is it necessary or wise, and does it genuinely increase your chances of a winning bid? With expert experience and local knowledge of the housing market, purchase agent Tabitha will provide a balanced and wise advice and guide you in placing your bid.


Rising house prices

A purchase agent has a good understanding of the true market value of a property. With this knowledge, as a buyer, you are better prepared to make informed decisions. Purchase agents are familiar with the local housing market and can provide valuable information through their extensive network.

One of the most valuable aspects of hiring a purchasing agent is access to the latest housing supply. Purchase agents often have a front-row position in receiving information about available homes even before they appear on the open market. This enables buyers to quickly respond when their dream home becomes available.


Additionally, the purchase agents of Aankoopmakelaar Amsterdam have a keen eye for potential pitfalls, such as hidden defects or legal complications. They can preserve buyers from unexpected problems in the future. Their experience and network make them valuable partners for those looking for a home in a competitive market. With expert financial advice, the purchasing agent can make the best offer.

Sign up for the webinar

Ilse and Tabitha invite you to their informative webinar on Wednesday April 24 at 6pm (CET). You can join the webinar by registering online.

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Tax & Housing webinar: Mortage interest and housing market developments

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Mortage interest and housing market developments

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Wednesday, 24 April, 2024






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Wednesday, 24 April, 2024



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Join the free tax & housing webinar to delve into new Dutch mortgage interest and housing market developments in 2024 and what they mean. Sign up for free!

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