
Tax & Housing Webinar: Tips and Tricks for Filing Your Dutch Tax Return

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Starting a new life in a different country can be exciting but also a bit tricky. For expats who are settling in the Netherlands, one big challenge is figuring out how to deal with the Dutch tax system. So, Taxsavers is inviting you to their upcoming webinar where they’ll simply talk about taxes, focusing on things like tax returns, the M-form, the 30% ruling, and the unique “boxes” in the Dutch tax system.


Navigating the Dutch tax world

If you’ve recently moved to the Netherlands, you’ll need to pay attention to something called the M-form. The webinar is here to guide you through filling out this important form and making sure you follow the Dutch tax rules.

The M-form is your main tool to give important fiscal info to the Dutch tax office. Lots of people who move here find out they might get some money back because they didn’t stay in the Netherlands for the whole year, which could mean they paid too much income tax.


Dutch tax return webinar

Understanding the M-form

The M-form has two parts that take a look at different times of when you lived here. The first part takes a look at the first time living in the Netherlands, and the second part focuses on when you lived somewhere else. Even though the M-form is only in Dutch, the webinar is here to help you learn what you need to know and give you tools to fill out this big tax form.

The 30% ruling

If you came to the Netherlands to work for a Dutch boss, you might be able to get something called the 30% ruling. This means you don’t have to pay taxes on 30% of the money you make. The webinar will explain this special rule, and tell you what you need to do to qualify, including some updates for the year 2024.

Making sense of the Dutch tax system: The three-box plan

Understanding how taxes work in the Netherlands is important for anyone new here. They use a system with three boxes to figure out how much tax you need to pay:

  • Box 1 – Work & home ownership: This box is all about the money you make from working, like your job, pension or past work. You can also say if you spent money on things like health or a mortgage.
  • Box 2 – Financial interest in a company: If you own more than 5% of a company, this box is for you. During the webinar, Taxsavers also talks about changes in tax rates.
  • Box 3 – Savings & investments: This box is about the money you make from savings and investments. Everyone gets a certain amount that they don’t have to pay taxes on, and Taxsavers will tell you the limit for 2024.

Join the Tax & Housing Webinar for simple tips

The upcoming webinar is all about helping new expats understand Dutch taxes without getting confused. Whether you’re trying to figure out the M-form, interested in the 30% ruling, or just want to know about the box system, the experts will make it easy for you. Don’t miss this chance to get helpful info and ask your questions about the Dutch tax system! 

Come join the webinar on March 6 by signing up. Let’s make your journey into Dutch taxes smooth and stress-free!

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Tax & Housing Webinar: Tips and Tricks for Filing Your Dutch Tax Return

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Join this free tax & housing webinar to delve into Dutch tax returns in 2024 and the key areas that are likely to affect you as an expat! Sign up for free!

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